Saturday 28 December 2013

Eat Eat At Street Cafe Korean Food Subang

Hoh! Been MIA for such a lonngggg time. A lot of things to be shared as usual but no time + too lazy to type it on. Haiyo. Apela. So, from now on I decided to make a quick review on everything I wanna share. Even though it might seem boring but at least I can make a time to blog it, isn't it? Rather than keep it like pekasam for months. Enough blabbering around, let's talk about Street Cafe.

Alright, there are 2 locations for this restaurant. One inside Sunway Pyramid mall and the other one in Subang Jaya. If you prefer to have a spacey, comfortable, and relax environment, you might go the one in Subang Jaya.

Another important point that I have to share is that. This is a Halal restaurant. To those k-pop and k-drama lovers who are muslims and dying to eat Korean food like spicy rice cakes (ddeokbokki), jjajangmyeon (black bean sauce noodles), ramyeon, kimbap, etc etc etc, this is the place for you! They have a lot selection of food that you see in those dramas and k-show. Hehe! Yeayy! XD

Jadi, enough talk. Let's see what did I eat at Street Cafe. ^_^ Ouh first lemme share you the decorations and the surroundings of the restaurant.

Wooden chairs and tables. 2-tingkat restaurant. I prefer eating at the floor above. I need my privacy though, ceyh =p

Also there are other options of dining set up here. One of it you can eat duduk bersila if you want to. This is kinda interesting also and have more privacy. What else? At the dinding, you can conteng whatever you wanna write. They won't scold you. Can even draw a graffiti, if there is still a space though. =p

Now.....let's take a look at the fooodddddddd~~~

Tadaaa!!!!! XD .  Alright enough dramatic intro, scroll down for the description. =p

This is my favourite dish here. Saba fish or something? Forgot the name but I bet this is mackerel fish but it's delicious! And this set come out with free drinks. This is my fav meal but fyi I never ordered this one. I'd let other people order this so that I can try other menus. Lol XD

This is Jjangmyeon! Black bean sauce noodles it is! The one you can see those in K-Drama! Haha. Always wanted to try this. At last, dapat jugak makan khennn. (tp tak habis pun -_- , muak2)

This is how we eat. Must mixed2 it together. For me it's a so-so meal but I'm still feel happy being able to try this. And eagerly want to try other menus later on.

This is kimbap. Those who don't know, it's kinda similar to sushi but in a bigger size and they use pickles (cucumber pickles) instead of fresh cucumber. This is my favy also but sometimes I find it kinda sour. Huhu =)

These are the side dishes. Korean food are known for their side dishes isn't it. So all set came with this of course. Kimchi, korean sauce, pickles.

Last but not least, thanks Oppa for this! =p My tummy is very the happy being able to eat nice and delicious food. XD

So, so interested to this place? Can go to the one in the Sunway Pyramid or to their own restaurant in Subang Jaya, at the Asia Cafe area, the restaurant is in front Taylor's College and look for this white signboard. ^_^

p/s: jangan lupa sertai My First GiveAway Contest kalau nak menang set kurung untuk raya haji ni ;)


  1. plz follow my blog
    Saya dah follow blog ini. TQ atas bantuan anda !!

  2. Please follow my blog too! =P
    Anyway, sedap kan sini. Bila nak gi lagi?

  3. wheeew~
    myeon2 and bibimbap~

    1. I love the kimbap, saba fish, chicken bbq lunchbox n the kimchi stew. Weeeew!

  4. Mahal tak makan kat sini.kalau makan dalam 2-3 orang berapa ehhh

    1. Rasanya tempat ni paling murah utk mknn korea. Average 1 set dlm rm15-20 . Then mknn kunyah2 tu ada yg rm8. Tp kalau suka ddeokbokki (spicy rice cake) , personal opinion sini x ok sgt, paling sedap topokki pnah rasa dekat dubu-dubu. Tp mknn2 lain kat situ mahal. Topokki rm15+ tpnsgt worth =)

  5. Replies
    1. Ok jugak. Ada yg sedap ada yg kureng. Tp harga kat sini x mahal sgt so boleh try 1 menu per visit. Hehe
