Tuesday 5 November 2013

Eating At KulCats Barrio, yeah!~

Em Em..I should review this supposedly long time agooo. But I'm being such a lazy bum =p . So today I'm gonna do a QUICK review on this restaurant. Kinda famous restaurant. Lotsa kinda well-known people are lepaking here. More like hoppers restaurant. If you've been to Joe's Barber (Joe Flizzow's barber shop), the feeling kinda the same. It's a yow yow feeling. LOL XD

So last month if I'm not mistaken, went there with my brother and our friends. The place was crowded and full with people. So we have to wait for like half an hour to get the seat. Actually, we don't fancy this kind of crowded place. But it's okay. Since we're already there, why don't just give it a try, right? 

We got our seat around 10 pm but unfortunately the kitchen was already closed. Too bad for us, isn't it? However, since we have a great connection (cewah) with one of the chefs there, we can still order some meal for dinnerrr. Only pasta can be ordered to be specific -_-

Sokayy.. as long as we can eat after waiting for quite some timee. Heh.

This is my meal. This is Aglio Olio Breadcrumbs. It's my first time trying Aglio Oglio. So I'm not so sure how does it supposed to taste like. But it's spicy! LOL. I feel like wanna try it out since I watched a K-Drama entitled "Pasta" years ago. In that drama, they cook all kind of pasta and their seafood Aglio Oglio looks so yummy. But I was fooled by it. -_-. I don't wanna try it anymoree!! Okay, just being overreacting. This meal is fine but doesn't suit me. I would give my credit to the baby tomatoes anyway. =p . So this meal cost me RM 16.

Okay, this is simply delicious! I love this Classic Carbonara but cannot eat a lott of this. If not you will feel likee....urghh..muak (banyak songeh la). But it's yummy yummy. This meal cost RM 22. =D

This is Meatball Spaghetti. A nice meal as well. Sedap! The tomato sauce wasn't too sour, it's jusstt nicee. This meal cost RM 20. =)

For drinks, mianhe (sorry) for not providing any photos of it. That's because I haven't purchased my Note 3 yet (=p). What kind of reason is that?? LOL. Well the reason is because all of them so kedekut, didn't want to lend me their mobile phones. So I couldn't take photos whenever I like, get it? Huhu. But no worries, this is the list of our drinks that night. ;)

Iced Peach Tea - RM 7
Iced Lychee Tea - RM 8
Gorilla Vanilla - RM 9
Kulcats Volcano Milo Smoothie - RM 9

Hmm.. Overall this is a nice place to hang out with friends. This place seems like always full with people all the time especially on weekends. But if you don't like crowded places and prefer a relax environment, don't go there! Haha.

This is their address and contact anyways~

Kulcats Barrio
35 Lorong Rahim Kajai 13
Tmn Tun Dr Ismail
6000 Kuala Lumpur

03-7733 3420


p/s: jangan lupa sertai My First GiveAway Contest 2015 kalau nak menang set kurung untuk raya haji ni ;)


  1. Kihkihkih.. Sorry, I can't stop giggling when reading this. It's just too cute. Well written!
    Anyway, that was your first time trying Aglio Olio? It's my favorite! I'll bring you to my favorite place with the best Aglio Olio.

  2. Hehe..no..i don't think aglio olio is yummy anymore... -_-
