Tuesday 1 October 2013

Eating at Piccadilly.. yummy n cheap2~


Last Saturday night was great! Eating time with siblingzz. To be accurate my brother and I had dinner with our friends which preferably I would call them as our siblings. Hehe. Yummy food with lovely people. Love that! ^_^

 With lovely younger sista, Mimi. But she called me "adek" on the other hand. =.=. Pic was taken by my brother using his Lumia 920 outside our house before take off. The photo is pretty nice even though it was taken in low light area. Hurm, Nokia is still the best! I guess??? Hehe =p

Here we are! At Piccadilly! Beside me is my biological brother. We do look alike, aren't we? Haha. Waiting for Maen and Lulu to arrive while looking at the menu. (is it? it's more like looking and concentrating at our mobile phones -_-) Too bad didn't snap Maen and Lulu photo. Lulu is my another sista, she's our big sista but physically the smallest among us. LOL 

Jeng jeng jeng! 1 Monte Cristo for me! Photo taken using Note 2 (standard mode I guess). This meal is categorized as sandwiches. Since I already had nasi kandar in the afternoon and ayam penyet in the evening, so I decided to eat sandwich for dinner. Pretty good choice I believe, it's tasty and  the portion was just nice for my full tummy. Hehe. As you can see, the gardenia-look bread was dipped and fried with egg while inside the bread, there are chicken ham and cheese. Served together with salad and french fries. Eat those with chilli sauce, is a must for me! Okay, this meal cost me...only RM 5.90! For this kind of presentation, I bet it's cheap compared to other western restaurants. I had Iced Peach for my drink which cost me RM 3. It's just canned peach fruits put into iced water. LOL. Simple but refreshing though. =)

This is Mimi's. Photo taken by iPhone 5. Looks yummier isn't it? Hehe. I've tried it, one bite, it's yummy! Totally my style. Nomnom. This meal is called Baked Seafood. I don't really know what's underneath the mouth-watering cheesseeslurp but this meal is nice as a snack. Baked Seafood cost RM11.90 btw. ;) For drinks, she ordered something like a hot cup of tea I guess which is called Hot Earl Grey, cost RM 2.50.

Wooo..here come the real meal of the night! This is what we call the fine dining you knoww.. (imitates Leticiacia from the youtube sensation =p ) . This is my big brother's meal. Of course this is what we expect he would order. LOL. Photo taken using Lumia 920 and I have to admit, the photo looks really niceee. Okayy.. This is Lamb Shoulder Chop with blackpaper/mushroom sauce. Or you can have both sauces like this photo. Served together with french fries and veggies. The lamb is delliciouss, no doubt but the veggies too salty for me. But it's ok, it's forgivable. Hoho. This meal cost RM 15.90 and Fresh Orange for refreshment that cost RM 3.80. =)

Done eating, back to social networking..! LOL =p

Overall, Piccadilly leaves me with a good impression on their food. Really2 affordable and the plate presentation is nice as well. Ouh, like other restaurants, 10% service charge is applied here. And for Muslims, here they claim that they serve Halal food as no pork is served here. But Piccadilly is categorized as restaurants and bar. So they serve beer and alcohol for Non-Muslims. 

Besides western food, they also serve Asian cuisine such as Indian, Chinese, and Malay food as well. If you want to visit this restaurant, this is the address:

LG006 & 007, Millennium Square, Dataran Millenium PJ, 98, Jalan 14/1, Petaling Jaya, Selangor.


Till then! Choww~

p/s: jangan lupa sertai My First GiveAway Contest 2015 kalau nak menang set kurung untuk raya haji ni ;)