Thursday 4 April 2013

Wang Lee Hom nyanyi lagu Getaran Jiwa

Wow! Kalau Shila Amzah nyanyi lagu Wang Lee Hom kat Taiwan, Wang Lee Hom pulak nyanyi lagu Allahyarham P. Ramlee kat Malaysia. Hehe. Sape Wang Lee Hom ni? Beliau ni merupakan nama besar kat Taiwan. Memang tahap superstar. Jangan tak tahu, tahap "kesuperstaran" artis-artis Taiwan memang sama level dgn artis-artis Korea. *minah ini tahu sebab dulu sgt minat Fahrenheit (Taiwanese band/actors) smpai sanggup beratur berejam dan bayar beratus sbb nak amek signature* =.="

Jadi, baru-baru ni, Wang Lee Hom dtg ke Malaysia untuk concert tour nye pada 29 Mac 2013. Abang Lee Hom buat surprise bila tetiba dia menyanyikan lagu Getaran Jiwa. With good pronunciation pulak tu. Hanya 2 perkataan je tak betul sikit. Hehe. Sebab dia ikut slang P.Ramlee. Haha. Nevermind, he did a super great job anyway. This is what we call good showmanship. Pandai dia ambil hati fans dengan malay song kan? Hehe. ;)

Alrighttt, jom layan Getaran Jiwa versi Wang Lee Hom! ^_^
Getaran Jiwa - Wang Lee Hom (solo performance)

Getaran Jiwa - Wang Lee Hom feat. Najwa Latif

Ni Bu Zhi Dao De Shi - Wang Lee Hom feat. Najwa Latif


  1. If you brought a concert ticket and enjoy at there, you will felt totally different compare watch on YouTube.

    1. Yea,of course the feel is different. It's okay since I'm not his fan. Hehe. I mean I adore him as a good singer but I'm not his fan. But knowing that he had the initiative to learn a Malay song for Malaysian fans, I respect him. =)

    2. Actually i was at there during Malaysia concert tour. The people all crazy just shouted only.

      I also notice there are many Malay girls attend his concert.

    3. Ouh really?? You're one of his fan laa? Good, good.. =D .. LOL, I could hear those screaming in the video. Hehe.

      I thought only a few Malay girls would be there. Waa.. even he is kinda old right now (Hehe =p ) but still got a lot of fans even in malaysia. Wow =D

    4. Saya minat lagu saja.Sebenar umur dia dah 37 tapi nampak macam baru samapai 30 saja.

      Semasa saya belajar di China,Lee Hom dah jadi orang inspirasi dan dapat jumpa di buku-buku teks sekolah menangah,khusus muzik sana ada khas topik utk LEE Hom.

      Selain daripada itu, i pun dapat jumpa Lee hom muncul pada buku-buku teks di Thailand dan Eropah.

  2. lagu p ramlee segar sepanjang zaman...
