Tuesday 5 March 2013

Cristiano Ronaldo back in Old Trafford!

Oh My God.....!! A must-watch game tonight! Yes, everyone knows C.Ronaldo is back in Old Trafford right now BUT he's here to go against Manchester United. Wuuu... What a waiting moment here..What will happen tonight? They're 1-1 draw during the first leg and we will found out the fates of both sides tonight!

So...the match gonna start at 3.45am live @ Astro Supersport 3 (817) or HD (831). Also available in live streaming HERE

Let's watch together2 and which team are you rooting for? I'll go for Real Madrid! Halaaaaa Madrid!!! Go CR7! Hehe :p

"It's the clash of the titans; a game the whole world will 
             stop to watch"

-Jose Mourinho-


  1. Awek yg layan bola?
    mesti sebab ronaldo je nie...

    1. tak tgk sgt pun eufa or euro..bola msia dgn world cup ja tgk dari skolah..tapi ni tgk sbb first leg ritu dah tertengok..haha..lagipun suka ronaldo bila dia dgn madrid ja, next season kalau dia masuk man u balik, dah xminat..hahah
