Tuesday 19 February 2013

Happy 6th Birthday, Nuffnang!

It’s only been a month since I started blogging and joining Nuffnang.  I think I’m like their cutie new born baby. Kekeke. Well, obviously I am a noob in this blogging world and I’m grateful that Nuffnang and Nuffnanggers have been a great help to people like me. Why am I saying so? When I have anything that I’m curious about, just send a ticket to them and they will answer it within a just short in time! Same goes to the Nuffnangers, they provide us with good infos and tips on blogging in their entries. When we leave a comment and asking them something that we’re not clear enough, they will always reply with good answers =)

Yesterday I’ve received an email from Nuffnang regarding their 6th Birthday Bash Party. Woa, I think it sounds so cooollll. I don’t even know that this kind of exciting event being conducted by Nuffnang every year. Btw, Happy Becoming 6th Birthday Nuffnang!! *clap clap*.  

After doing some reading on nuffnanggers’ entries regarding this event on previous years, I know that a lot of benefits we can gain by joining this birthday partayy. Since we will gonna meet top bloggers and also nuffies, we’ll be able to ask them for some tips or even asking for ideas to be a better blogger. It’s like learning while having fun!! Sounds exciting, isn’t it? ;)

Sooooo..in order to get the invitations for the partay, what we have to do is to follow these simple steps provided by Nuffnang HERE. Andddd Nuffnang want us to share our favourite music album. Yeayy!! I’ve always been a great fan of music! (just look at my previous entries, most of them are music and entertainment related..hehe =p ). 

Therefore, my all-time favourite music album would be~~~~~~~~~
B2ST (Beast) - Fiction and Fact Album

01. The Fact
02. Fiction
03. Back to You
04. You
05. Freeze
06. Virus
07. 불러보지만 (Though I Call)
08. 비가 오는 날엔 (On Rainy Days)
09. Lightless (Unplugged Ver.)
10. Fiction (Orchestra Ver.)

Why I love this album and why this album is my all-time favourite?

1. "Fiction" song and the MV is like a masterpiece. The song and the idea of the MV is brilliant. Just take a look at their MV and the lyrics, together with the sad melody, plus with a unique dance routine. Everything is amazing!

2."On Rainy Days" is another great song! Still a sad song, even though they're a pop group but they can sing ballad really well. Their live singing is daebak! (damn good). And you can feel the sadness when they deliver the song. They're such a professional!

3. "You" makes me smile whenever I listen to it. I feel happy while listening to it. That song makes me feel like I wanna sing it when I found someone that I like. Hehe ;p

4. Overall, I love this album as there is a mixture between pop dance as well as ballad songs. It suits me very well as I'm a fan of both genres. For me, this album is a perfect album and I really really really adore their voice. =)

Now, let's move on to my 5-track Deezer list for Nuffnang's birthday party!

Haih, I have so many favourite songs! I'm so confused right now which songs that I’m gonna include in my playlist. Since I’m a purely Asian-hearted person *heh*, I’m gonna choose Korean song as well as Malaysian songs. =D But I really have a hard time choosing the best 5 tracks. I really like Beast and G.NA but I guess it’s unfair if I don’t include Malaysian songs as well. @_@ I hope they will pick me and my playlist will be featured in the DJ’s playlist!! *DJ putarkanlah playlist saya….lalala* credit to VIP - Lagu Sedih .

Here they are, my top 5 favourite music that I want to be featured in the partayy..!

1. Siti Nurhaliza – Falling in Love
2. Mizz Nina feat. Colby O’Donis – What You Waiting For
3. Beast (B2ST) – Beautiful Night
4. G.NA – Top Girl
5. 4Minute – Hot Issue

 And I already shared this playlist on my facebook and my twitter ;)

 To lovely and handsome Nuffies, please pick me if you think I'm deserved and please give me the opportunity to meet you guys and other bloggers of course..plish plish plish *puppy eyes*. He he 

p/s: I want to personally thank Nuffnang for introducing me to Deezer.com. Seriously I'm in love with this website because I can listen to G.NA's full albums. Hehe =D


  1. good luck.... kalu dpt g boleh jumpa.. itu pun kalu kak sumi terpilih..hik3


    1. thank you kak.. hehe..kak sumi insyaAllah confirm dpt kot.. sy yg bru 'usia' sebulan ni yg confirm susah nak dpt.. =p
