Tuesday 29 January 2013

Food Review: Dubu Dubu Seoul Food (Midvalley)

Last month I went to Dubu Dubu Seoul Food at Midvalley branch to try new Korean food. The only Korean restaurant that I’ve been before is Seoul Garden (been there for several times because it is Halal certified). But they only provide great bbq n steamboat, no other menus. Since I watch K-dramas a lot, I always craving for ddeokbokki and bibimbap..teeheeee. But the problem is, I don’t know where to find those as most of Korean restaurants are not halal.

But then my friends told me about this place and I went there to give it a try. I ordered 2 dishes, of course ddeokbokki (ala carte) and bibimbap set.

This is ddeokbokki or spicy rice cake. The taste not that spicy, but for me it tastes nice. The rice cakes are chewy (I’m already aware bout this) and the sauce kinda similar to yong tau fu sauce but a bit different lah. But overall I’m ok with the taste and I like it.

This is bibimbap set with beef. Bibimbap set comes with 2 options; beef or chicken. As you can see lotsa veggies there and the rice under it is purple in color. It comes with side dishes as well which are kimchi, beansprouts, n veggies. Besides, there are also seaweed bean curd soup and Korean sauce. I like the taste as well but the thing is they put veggies so much and it was my mistake by mixing all the veggies together with the rice. I should put out some veggies before mixing it. Oh. 

So far, I like both dishes. I found out that many customers put up some bad feedbacks on Dubu Dubu facebook accounts. There were so many complaints but I guess I was lucky as I have good experience with this restaurant. The food is good and nice, the staff is ok , the service also ok. It may be took a while for the dishes being served but it didn’t take so much time. So, I’m totally ok with that.

I already forgot bout the exact price of each menu that I ordered. But the 2 dishes, together with 2 drinks plus tax, it cost around RM50. Well, I didn’t even pay because my friend treated me with that food! Kansahamnidaa! He didn’t even eat those dishes because he doesn’t like Korean food and I ate those all by myself..hehehe.. free of charge ;p

Hence, I would rate Dubu Dubu Seoul Food’sDddeokbokki and Bibimbap set with 4/5 =D

p/s: jangan lupa sertai My First GiveAway Contest 2015 kalau nak menang set kurung untuk raya haji ni ;)

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